// A simple note-taking program

// Define a list to hold notes List notes = []

// Define a procedure to add a note Procedure addNote(noteText) notes.add(noteText) EndProcedure

// Define a procedure to display all notes Procedure showNotes() For each note in notes Display note EndFor EndProcedure

// Main program starts here Display “Note-Taking Program” Display “What would you like to do?” Display “1: Add Note, 2: Show Notes, 0: Exit”

// Variable to store user’s choice choice = GetUserInput()

While choice != 0 If choice == 1 Display “Enter your note:” noteText = GetUserInput() Call addNote(noteText) Display “Note added.” ElseIf choice == 2 Call showNotes() Else Display “Invalid option, please try again.” EndIf

Display "What would you like to do next?"
Display "1: Add Note, 2: Show Notes, 0: Exit"
choice = GetUserInput() EndWhile

Display “Program exited.”